Jun 11Liked by Matt Foltz-Gray

Thank you for sharing your creative pursuits with us. Always a Mumford fangirl.

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Thank you so much, Kate!! Mumford fanboy over here as well. I will say, though, that with this space and how I've been working lately, I can feel my hand leaning towards a more narrative focused strip becoming a part of this world. Mumford may not be there (though I will never say never) but I don't think I can create a strip that isn't somehow in that truthful and magic realm. I'll want to build up a few before posting but I'd love to know you are seeing them! I hope all is well with you.

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Matt, cats show pics are super! You are so prolific in a week. What is your secret? How do you make time to draw? I’d love to know about your process. Xo ps. I also hope you are feeling better:)

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Thank you so much for those kind words and for asking! I very much feel the same when I view your posts. I wish I had a more interesting secret but I will say that my little routine lately has been, wake up at 5 and sneak in some quiet drawing time, then night time is usually when I decompress with my sketchbook before heading off to bed. I think I have weeks where I'm productive and weeks when I'm not but this space has really made me feel good about creating art and that's a good motivator. Also, I think I mentioned it before but currently, I'm freelancing and not particularly doing a terrific job at it, so that has given me some extra time during the day haha. Trying to appreciate the time before I've got to figure something out but the mornings most definitely have become a saving grace for creativity.

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Thanks Matt, for your thoughtful reply. We are always looking for the magic button eh? and it doesn’t exist. My practice is much more haphazard than yours - I grab moments when I can around other commitments and kids. I go forward to work next month after a sort of sabbatical (not back to work as I am not going to do work like I used to) and I’m aware there will be even less time but now I have established a pattern I want to keep going! Wishing you a super day.

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Very much the same to you! I know you mentioned leaving a unhealthy work environment. Which I admire and respect. I agree there isn't a magic button but I do believe there's magic in finding the time to create. I'm grateful that you find that time. Here's to the journey. Thank you again for all your kind words.

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Not so much leaving as pausing as it is my own business! Oh the irony, my mean boss is me! I needed to pause so I could have the space to decompress and see better ways of doing things. I agree there is magic in the creation and will definitely prioritise it moving forward.

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